01 August 2024
Applications are invited from deserving applicants in the Langeberg area, to apply for Grant in aid in terms of the Municipality’s Grant in Aid Policy.
The following categories are eligible for Grant-In-Aid:
a. Solid Waste (Cleansing)
b. Social Development
c. Youth, Sports and Recreation
d. Environment
e. Tourism
Only applications on the prescribed form, that is obtainable from the Municipal Offices or the Municipal Website (click here) , will be considered. Applicants must please consult Council’s Grant in Aid policy for completeness. This policy is also available from all Municipal Office and website. Completed application forms, together with all the required documents including business plans or motivation, must be clearly marked, “Grant-in-Aid Application” and mailed or delivered to the address below. Organisations that have received grants in the past from the Municipality must ensure that audited financial statements are included. The closing date is Friday, 30 August 2024. No late applications will be considered.
For further information please contact Mrs I Cook by 023 626 8214. If required, assistance with regards to the completion of the application form will be given at the municipal offices. The Municipality reserves the right not to make an award.
Aansoekers van die Langeberg area word vriendelik uitgenooi om aansoek te doen vir befondsing volgens die Munisipale Hulptoekenningsbeleid. Die volgende kategorieë kwalifiseer om aansoek te doen vir Hulptoekennings:
a. Vaste afval (Reiniging)
b. Sosiale ontwikkeling
c. Jeug, sport en rekreasie
d. Omgewing
e. Toerisme
Slegs aansoeke wat op die voorgeskrewe vorm voltooi is, sal oorweeg word. Voorgeskrewe aansoekvorms sowel as die Hulptoekenningsbeleid van die Raad kan bekom word by alle Munisipale kantore of van die Munisipale webwerf (Klik hier).
Aansoekers moet vir volledigheid asseblief die Hulptoekenningsbeleid van die Raad konsulteer. Die voltooide aansoekvorms tesame met al die nodige dokumentasie, insluitende ‘n besigheidsplan of motivering moet duidelik gemerk word, “Grant in Aid Application” en aan die onderstaande adres gepos of afgelewer word. Alle organisasies wat in die verlede ‘n donasie vanaf die Munisipaliteit ontvang het, moet geouditeerde finansiële state insluit. Die sluitingsdatum is Vrydag, 30 Augustus 2024. Geen aansoeke wat na die sluitingsdatum ontvang word sal oorweeg word nie.
Vir verdere inligting kontak Me I Cook by 023 626 8214. Indien nodig sal bystand by die munisipale kantore verleen word met die voltooiing van die aansoekvorm. Die Munisipaliteit hou die reg voor om nie ‘n toekenning te maak.
Isibhengezo esingomthetho omalunga noncedo ngezibonelelo
Kumenywa bonke abantu abafanele ukuxhamla ukuba bafake izicelo zoncedo ngezibonelelo basuka kummandle waseLangeberg Oku kwenziwa ukulandela / ukuthobela umthetho kaMasipala ongoncedo ngezibonelelo.
Lamanqanaba alandelayo akulungele ukufakwa phantsi koncedo ngezibonelelo:
a. Ukuthuthwa kwenkunkuma / inkunkuma ephathekayo (ukucoca)
b. Uphuhliso Iwezasekuhlaleni
c. Ulutsha nezemidlalo, ezemidlalo nokuzilolonga
d. Okusingqongileyo
e. Ukhenketho
Izicelo eziyakuthathelwa ingqalelo zezo ziyakuthi zizaliswe kwifomu eyezelwe oku kuphela, ezi fomu ziyafumaneka kwi-ofisi zikaMasipalaeKanye Kwi Webhusayithi kamasipala engu: www.langeberg.gov.zahttps://www.langeberg.gov.za/documents/application-forms/4468-grant-in-aid-application-form-english/file.html Abantu abafaka izicelo kufuneka bajonge kumgaqo-nkqubo woncedo Iwezibonelelo ukuqinsekisa ukugqibelela kwezicelo zabo. Izicelo kumele zifakwe nempepha zazo, zizezibhalwe ngokucacileyo amagama athi: Isicelo soncedo ngezibonelelo, zize kamva zisiwe kwiofisi zikaMasipala / zithunyelwe ngeposi kuledilesi ingezantsi.Imibutho eyayifumane uncedo ngaphambili olusuka kumasipala mayiqinseke izukufaka neencwadi ezihloliweny zemali (Audited financial staements). Umhla wokugqibela wokufakwa kwezicelo ngowe 30 August 2024. Izicelo ezifike emva kwalomhla azisayi kuthathelwa-ngqalelo.
Uncedo ngendlela emazizaliswe ngayo ezifomu luyafumaneka kwi-ofisi zikaMasipala. Malungala nenkcukacha ezithe vetshe, ungaqhagamishelana noNskz. I Cook kulenombolo yomnxeba: 023 626 8214. Umasipala unalo ilungelo lokunganikezi ngesibonelelo.